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Hibiscus hair oil for lustrous hair


Hibiscus extract has been used in ayurveda since ancient times to tackle hairfall and dandruff. this oil is enriched with hibiscus flowers, extract and ten herbs to promote lustrous and glossy hair growth. fortified with natural ingredients, it is 100% chemical free. 


Hibiscus hair oil for lustrous hair


Hibiscus flowers, vetiver, neem leaves, bawachi, herbal extract, sesame oil, coconut oil.

Hibiscus extract has been used in ayurveda since ancient times to tackle hairfall and dandruff. this oil is enriched with hibiscus flowers, extract and ten herbs to promote lustrous and glossy hair growth. how to use : warm the oil and apply on scalp, massage gently and keep overnight or wash after an hour. use twice a week.

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